The UTA is quite famous among the mexican misfits that wander in the underground looking for alternative places in Mexico City. The UTA used to be a venue downtown on Donceles St. pretty close to the Zocalo. This place occupied the second and third floor of a colonial house, above a big storage. You would enter through a small staircase, that would probably was like a Mezanine but amazinlgy redecorated with Siouxie and The Addicts memorabilia. Painted totally in black, it housed a medium stage and a dance floor, two or three extra rooms with coffee tables, a shop, services and God knows what more.
This UTA inspired me to write Dagger's Blood Red Kisses. The lyrics say:
He looks fine just like a lady
He is fun he is going crazy
He's got fine attitude
He's waiting for me
Dressed in black wearing white makeup
Flashy eyes and satin wardrobe
Dancing all the way down
He's calling me
You will be able to listen to this song next year, can't wait for this!

Dagger has played three times here, and played once in the original UTA. For me, the ghetto that the UTA houses was entirely new for me. Coming from a small city in the countryside, I could never imagined that there was nothing more other than a Metal and Punk scene as countercultures in Mexico City.
I remember well the first time I entered UTA. I was kind of scared actually, seeing all this people, living it up, wearing vintage dresses, tiny skirts, heavy make up, heavy hair do's, jumbo mohawks... But sometimes you trust the wrong people, the ones that work in regular offices and live a "normal" life, sometimes those are the psychos you know? And most of the time, the people that you think are the craziest ones, they're the sweetest.
And that's the most shocking thing. UTA audience has always been nice to us. And generally to all the bands that have played there. The audience is a respectful one. They listen, they wait, they slam, they even dance if the feel to. UTA is a venue where a new group of artists, musicians, and performers gather in this place to express their non-conforming lifestyle.
So we knew what to expect for last saturday 23, and we could never thought of any other place than the UTA to celebrate everything Dagger has achieved this year. We were prepared to have fun. And we did.
Our set list included two new songs we wanted to play there: Dagger Fuck You All, a punk song mostly composed by Pablo and You Break my Heart in Two, a very catchy song with a Joy-Division-meets-80s-cheesy-ballads influence, that I hope can record live one day.

These are some pics of the soundcheck. Fortunately, the sound engineer was there to help, and to do a good job. We constantly face the problem of guitar amps. Now we're not playing with bass, so the guitars must sound very clean but at the same time heavy. We are currently working more in Dagger's sound. Some people has told us that we sound great without a bass. I bet it's true.

Finally, you have here some pics of Dagger already onstage.
As you have probably noticed by now, my hair is pink now, and I´m definetely loving this. Oh well, that was quite a non-rocker statement. I don´t care. Hehe.

The set list also included Misfits' Last Caress. So Lord Murphy, who currently Djs at UTA every weekend, stood on stage and rocked with us. Murphy is one of the best Djs and I'm pretty serious! We will miss him at UTA.

The other band that played that night was punk rockers and Misfits lovers The Degenerates.

Finally some pics after the show, we had a blow!

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